July 08, 2023

Enhancing Workplace Productivity and Safety with Advanced Technologies

In 2023, Alcoa announced the development of a new robotic technology program aimed at improving safety at our smelter in Deschambault, Quebec. This will make it the first plant in the world to adopt such advanced equipment when the program officially launches in 2025. The new technology will reduce interaction with mobile equipment, and lower the risks associated with explosions and molten metal spills.

Developed in collaboration with Quebec-based equipment manufacturers Dynamic Concept and EPIQ Machinery, the Automated Robotic Furnace Tending (ARFT) machine will automate furnace tending and furnace filling activities.

The new technology’s precision has the potential to reduce refractory maintenance and improve cycle time efficiency for metal casting preparation. A 50 percent reduction in workload is expected as a result of these enhancements.

Efficiency gains are not limited to workload. The use of ARTF machines also has the potential to enhance metal quality. This is due to more consistent skimming and cleaning routing supported by an integrated camera system that permits operators to closely monitor the activity without risking their safety. The more consistent procedures and safety systems will decrease expenses related to accidental damage repairs.

A major safety advantage is the minimization of interactions between workers on foot and mobile equipment or vehicles. This, in turn, has reduced significant fatality and serious injury risks in the furnace area.

First established in 2016, the ARTF research program is now in its test phase. Once this testing is successfully completed, the technology is expected to transform aluminum cast houses by making them safer and more productive.